Discrete Semiconductor
Discrete semiconductor products, including individual transistors, diodes, rectifiers, and thyristors, as well as small arrays composed of two, three, four, or other similar devices within a single package. The most common and well-known is MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor). Discrete semiconductor products are generally used to construct circuits with significant voltage or current stress, or to achieve very basic electronic circuit functions.
Jinftry is a leading global distributor of electronic components, distributing discrete semiconductors from many world-renowned brands. Including ON Semiconductor, Diodes, STMicroelectronics, Infineon, IXYS, Vishay, Littelfuse, Rohm, Toshiba, Nexperia, etc. Are you looking for a long-term supplier or distributor of discrete semiconductors? Jinftry is your best partner. Jinftry has the advantage of low prices and can provide original and new, excess, Obsolete/EOL and hard-to-find materials.
Product Quantity: 232770
Discrete Semiconductor: Separated semiconductors are the fundamental components of electronic circuits and are essential components in various electronic product circuits. Discrete devices can be widely used in various electronic products, and their application areas can be divided into: household appliances, power supplies and chargers, green lighting, network and communication, automotive electronics, smart meters and instruments, etc