IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) is a composite fully controlled voltage-driven power semiconductor device composed of BJT (Bipolar junction transistor) and MOS (insulated gate field effect transistor), which has the advantages of high input impedance of MOSFET and low on-state voltage drop of GTR.IGBT module is a modular semiconductor product composed of IGBT chip and FWD (freewheeling diode chip) through specific circuit bridging packaging. It has the characteristics of energy saving, easy installation and maintenance, and stable heat dissipation.
Jinftry is a leading global distributor of electronic components, distributing IGBT modules and IGBT products of many internationally renowned brands, including Mitsubishi, Semikron, Infineon, FUJI, FUJITSU, VICOR, ABB, Siemens, Sanken, EUPEC, etc. Are you looking for a partner for IGBT modules? Jinftry is your best supplier choice. With low price advantages and rich supply chain resources, we can provide you with original & new, excess, obsolete/EOL and hard-to-find materials.
Product Quantity: 100105
IGBT: IGBT has the characteristics of high voltage resistance, reduced conduction voltage, and fast switching speed, making it very suitable for application in converter systems with DC voltage of 600V and above, such as AC motors, frequency converters, switching power supplies, lighting circuits, traction drives, and other fields.