Transistors are solid-state semiconductor devices that are the cornerstone of modern electronic technology. It has the function of current amplification or switching. By controlling the change of input current (base current), it can significantly change the size of output current (collector current), achieve signal amplification, conversion or logical operation. Transistors occupy a core position in electronic circuit design due to their advantages such as high speed, low power consumption, high reliability, and miniaturization. According to their different structures and functions, transistors can be divided into two categories: bipolar transistors (BJTs) and field-effect transistors (FETs), each of which contains multiple specific types to meet different application requirements.
Jinftry is a leading global distributor of electronic components, distributing discrete semiconductors from many world-renowned brands. Including ON Semiconductor, Diodes, STMicroelectronics, Infineon, IXYS, Vishay, Littelfuse, Rohm, Toshiba, Nexperia, etc. Jinftry guarantees a stable supply chain and can respond quickly to customer needs. Jinftry has the advantage of low prices and can provide original, new, surplus, obsolete/EOL and hard-to-find materials. Jinftry team personnel are at your service every step of the way.
- Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Arrays (1814)
- Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Arrays, Pre-Biased (1851)
- Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - RF (1850)
- Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Single (19699)
- Transistors - Bipolar (BJT) - Single, Pre-Biased (3726)
- Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Arrays (4993)
- Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - RF (4011)
- Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single (37868)
- Transistors - IGBTs - Arrays (26)
- Transistors - IGBTs - Modules (3098)
- Transistors - IGBTs - Single (4297)
- Transistors - JFETs (1020)
- Transistors - Programmable Unijunction (41)
- Transistors - Special Purpose (217)
Product Quantity: 84511
Transistors: Transistors have an extremely wide range of applications, covering almost all modern electronic devices and systems. In the field of communication, transistors play an important role as amplifiers and switching components in key equipment such as wireless communication base stations, fiber optic communication systems, and satellite communications. In the field of computer and information technology, transistors are the basic components of core components such as microprocessors, storage chips, and graphics processors, driving the continuous improvement of computer performance. In addition, transistors also play a crucial role in various fields such as consumer electronics, automotive electronics, industrial automation, medical electronics, and aerospace. For example, in smartphones, transistors are not only used for processors and memory, but also widely used in modules such as sensors and audio amplifiers, improving the overall performance and user experience of the device.